1st Panto Auditions. Village Hall.
5th Badminton season starts. Village Hall
7th Chedfest. Three Horseshoes. 1pm
22nd Steel Magnolias 7.30am Village Hall (see below)
2nd Parish council meeting. Pavilion. 7pm
6th St Giles Harvest Festival. Church. 10.30am
8th Singalong café. Methodist Hall. 2.30pm
9th CRA meeting
21st Cheddington History Society. Methodist Hall. 8pm
26th Repair Café. Ivinghoe Hub
2nd MNDA Fundraiser, Wing Village Hall 7pm - see poster below
18th Cheddington History Society. Methodist Hall. 8pm
20th-23rd Stewkley Players Aladdin. Stewkley Village Hall
30th Tennis Club Quiz. Village Hall. 7pm
21st ? 23rd Panto Goup’s Cinderella
Tickets from
BRIDGE CLUB. Would you like to join a friendly group of 10 to 20 other players who meet twice each month for a social morning of playing bridge? If so why not join us at the Bowls Club on the second and fourth Thursday in each month at 9.30am.
For more details contact Janet on 01296 668317.
Rural Mobile Library Alternate Tuesdays The Green 12.15 - 13.15pm
Free advice and information on all aspects of learning and work available at Ivinghoe library and Wing library. Topics covered include CV preparation, applications, vacancy searches, voluntary work, academic and leisure courses.
For an informal appointment telephone 07754 500417 or ask at the library.
Mid-Week Rambles First Wednesday of each month - Meet at The Green 9.15am
WI Rambles Third Wednesday of each month - Meet at The Green 9.15am. (Non-WI welcome)
Wing Hall Snooker Club, Wing
The membership is £25 per year April to March.
2 full size tables 50p for 10 mins play = £3.00 per hour
In the village hall, upstairs.
Free parking in Wing
Free tea and coffee
Snooker club operated by obtaining a key from a member in the Wing village.
Club open 7 days a week, 24h a day
I offer a free session "try before you take up membership"
Anybody wanting further details or to join please contact:
David Turner on 07392 482415
To Post a Notice email details of your event to
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