
Cheddington Methodist Church

Cheddington Methodist Church

Minister Rev Noreen Daley-Lee   tel no:  01525 240083

MESSAGE FROM EMMANUEL LEE  (son of our Minister, Rev Noreen Daley-Lee)

What is the month of December about?

Many people think that December is the month of Christmas which it is, but December has a deeper meaning that is outshone by Christmas and its delights.

The general thought about December is counting down towards Christmas; decorating the house; lighting up the Christmas tree; having turkey for dinner and of course, getting presents. All this seems a lot more fun and exciting than the true meaning of Christmas. You see if Jesus wasn’t born around 4-6 BC (BC means before Christ) in December, we wouldn’t be celebrating Christmas.

This is how it all started. Luke the Evangelist introduces his readers to the Angel Gabriel (one of two angels named in Scripture) who visited Mary, announcing that she was going to have a son called Jesus, while Joseph (Mary’s husband) got told in a dream to marry Mary for the child to be born is the Son of God emphasizing the role of God’s grace and of God’s Spirit, and announces that He will rule David’s kingdom. Mary the young maiden of Galilee, submits in simple faith to the Lord.

When Jesus was born in a town called Bethlehem, there came three wise men who gave the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. King Herod was troubled when he heard the news that people were calling him the King of Israel, the Messiah or the Saviour.  So, an angel told Mary and Joseph in a dream to set off to Egypt. Since Herod didn’t want to lose his role as King, he made a plot to kill all the baby boys who were two years old or younger in Bethlehem and the surrounding region. After Herod died, an angel told Joseph to go back to Israel, since for all the people who wanted Jesus to die were dead.

 So, December is a reminder that God often does the impossible and the unlikely; to remind us His power is not restricted by our limitations. Overall, it may be said that Christmas isn’t just about fun, games, stockings or Christmas trees which is all good fun too, but remember that it is Jesus who was born which is why we celebrate this special day.  I therefore, recommend that we need to give Jesus all the thanks that our hearts could offer. We could say a prayer, but it doesn’t have to be a long one because all our prayers are going to be heard, big or small. Remember that you can do a lot more than pray, like going to church or joining a youth group but don’t worry you don’t have to if you don’t want to.


 We welcome everyone to come along to our church to share in our worship and other activities. Services begin on Sundays at 10.30 am unless otherwise stated.

Sunday 3rd November Rev Noreen Daley-Lee – Service of Holy Communion
Sunday 10th November Remembrance Sunday – 10.40 am Service of Remembrance on The Green at The War Memorial. Tea and Coffee will be served in the Hall at the Methodist Church
Sunday 17th November Mr Ken Harris
Sunday 24th November Mrs Lynda Hart
Sunday 1st December 3 pm  - Rev Noreen Daley-Lee
Sunday 8th December Mr Steve Kemp
Sunday 15th December Mr Nick Aylen
Sunday 22nd December Mr Lafton Lee – Carol Service
Sunday 29th December Rev Noreen Daley-Lee – Covenant Service - United Service with St Giles
Sunday 5th January 3 pm Rev Richard Atkinson 
Sunday 12th January Mr Arthur Sara
Sunday 19th January Mr Ken Harris
3.30 pm Messy Church
Sunday 26th January Mr Pete Honeyball – Service of Holy Communion


For all parents/carers of pre-school children and babies, join us in the Chapel schoolroom on Monday mornings 9.30 – 11.00 during term time for a gentle start to the week. There are toys, activities and refreshments (including toast!) and a warm welcome. Contact Cathy Craft email:   

OPEN DOORS – Friday morning 10.30 a.m – noon at the Methodist Chapel.
This is an opportunity for all to meet/socialise each Friday morning and have a cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit/cake.  Contact Stuart Minall email: for more information.

MEN’S GROUP:  This usually meets on the first Friday of each month at 10.45 am to noon.  Contact: Chris Shepheard on 661849.

The Singalong Café will be held on Tuesdays 10 December and 14 January 2.30 –4.30 pm at the Methodist Chapel led by Karen, Cathy and Trevor who are all accomplished musicians.  At the December meeting we shall be singing Carols and Christmas Songs.  Come along and bring a friend or two – all are welcome. Refreshments will be included thanks to two willing volunteers.  

BOOKS and JIGSAWS:  We now have a small collection of Books and Jigsaws for buying or borrowing;  if you are able to make a small donation that would be appreciated.  Do come and have a look to see if there is anything of interest to you.  The schoolroom is usually open 9.30 – 11 am on Monday mornings during term time or Friday mornings 10.30 – 12 noon.  If you have books, in good condition, or jigsaws that you would like to pass on do bring them along.

WARM SPACES:  This will continue on Fridays for all those who would like to meet together from 12 noon to 2.30 pm for a soup lunch.  Donations of  tins of soup or bread, tea/coffee or biscuits can be dropped off  at the Chapel on Fridays from 10.30 am.  This is a Churches Together initiative in conjunction with the Parish Council to whom we are most grateful for their financial support.  All enquiries to Cathy Craft email: 

For those people with hearing aids, we have an induction loop system installed and working in the chapel.

Schoolroom Bookings: A projector and screen are available.   For all enquiries, please contact Janet Banham,  Tel. 660205 or email .

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